Stansted Tennis Club

July 2014 enewsletter

Dear members,

A big, warm welcome to all the new members who have joined Stansted Tennis Club over the last month.
I think it must be the post Wimbledon effect! I am sure you will receive a warm welcome if you cone along to join in any of the Club sessions. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact a Committee member.

Hopefully, those of you who were lucky enough to win Wimbledon tickets in this year’s Club ballot, had a great day out and enjoyed some excellent tennis.

Stansted in Bloom
Daphne and I attended the Stansted in Bloom presentation at the Day Centre today. We were not expecting it, but were presented with a certificate and a plaque for 1st place in the business/organisation category. The judges praised our use of colour and also the theme of 100 years since the outbreak of World War 1.
Thanks must go to Sarah Hollis and Daphne Lunnon for spearheading the idea and planting out. Also, a big thank you to all members who helped to water the garden. All the hard work has certainly paid off!  Here are some photos:

Stansted In Bloom 2014Stansted In Bloom 2014

Wilby Tournament
The poster is up on the Clubhouse noticeboard for members to add their names if they wish to enter.
This mixed adult doubles tournament will take place on Sunday 10th August. Start time is 1.30 for 2pm. The entry fee is £5 plus tea donation.
Please email me if you would like me to add your name to the entry list.

Maintenance session
4 volunteers turned out in blistering heat on Friday afternoon to spend a couple of hours weeding and decorating to help improve the appearance of the Club. A big thank you for your hard work!

You cannot have failed to notice the fantastic new green outside noticeboard. Thank you to Jon Brown for designing and erecting it so speedily. I am sure you will all agree that it is a huge improvement!

Next Committee Meeting
This will take place at Debbie Lane’s at 8pm on Tuesday 12th August.
Should you wish to raise an issue, please contact a Committee member before the meeting.

Used tennis balls
These are available for the bargain price of £1 per tube of 4 from Jan Hollis at 105 Cambridge Road.

Ladies’ Night
The next Ladies’ Night will be from 7pm on Monday 11th August. All lady members are welcome to cone along and join in.

Junior ladder
This is still thriving and we now have 24 junior players battling it out. Hope you get plenty of matches in over the summer holidays.

Club Tournament and Hospital Cup
These are now well under way. Please ensure, if you are still in either tournament to arrange your quarter/semi finals as soon as possible.
Don’t forget to put your ‘Tour de France’ raffle prize in the container in the cloakroom in the Clubhouse. Thank you!

Debbie Lane has kindly volunteered to welcome members of the U3A to the Tennis Club next Monday, 21st July between 10am and 12 noon. This is a taster session for the U3A and therefore the courts will be unavailable to our members between these times.

Summer Social
Please put this date in your diary!
Saturday 16th August from 4pm.
The committee are organising a summer social event at the courts. More details to follow, but please contact a committee member should you wish to volunteer any help.

Essex Small Club results
Mixed Premier
Clavering 8   Stansted 8
Stebbing 8   Stansted 8

Ladies’ 1
Stansted 11   Sawbridgeworth 5
Pleshey 0   Stansted 16

Ladies’ 2
Harlow 4   Stansted 12
Braughing 8   Stansted 8

Men’s 2
Stansted 5   Castle Hill 11
Thaxted 4   Stansted 12
Stansted 10   Henham 6

Wishing you all an enjoyable summer with, hopefully, plenty of tennis!