December 2013 enewsletter
Dear members,
A big thank you to the 20 or so members who braved the rain on Wednesday night to attend the Social Evening.
It was a great success and some tennis was played before the heavens opened.
Thanks for the event must go to Daphne for decorating the Clubhouse to give it a Christmas feel. Also for her mince pies and the hard work which went into organising such an in-depth tennis themed quiz (won by Joe). Thanks to Felicity for the idea for the evening and for her mulled wine. Also to Jan for her mince pies and Sarah for her mulled wine and organising “guess the number of balls in Santa’s Sack” (won by Daphne – only 2 out)!
The Committee are very keen to encourage the social side at the Club and as this was such a success it may be an idea to have a midsummer event, maybe with a barbecue. All ideas are very welcome!
The next Committee meeting will be at Daphne ‘s house on Tuesday 21st January at 8pm. If anyone has any issue they would like brought up, please e-mail me or contact a committee member.
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 13th January from 7 pm. All ladies welcome, so do come along to play.
There are only a few League results this month.
Mens 2
Stansted 11 Harlow 5
Mixed Premier
Stebbing 14 Stansted 2
Mixed 2
Stansted 3 Braughing 13
So the end of another year and the Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and best wishes for 2014!