December 2015 enewsletter
Festival of Angels and Trees
Many thanks to Ash Huggonson and Jon Budd for their eye-catching display which was on show at the festival over last weekend.
I’m sure that those of you who saw it, would agree that it looked great.
King’s Arms Quiz
If you would like to be part of the team for the next quiz, please email me. It’s this Tuesday 22nd December at 8pm.
Ladies’ Night
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 11th January starting at 7pm.
All ladies welcome!
Next STC meeting
This will take place at Debbie’s house on Friday 22nd January starting at 7pm. Please contact a committee member if you have an issue you would like to raise.
Don’t forget to use the suggestion box in the Clubhouse if you have any ideas or suggestions. It will be emptied just before the next committee meeting.
Mix “n” Match
The First Round is now underway. Please note that the play by date for all First Round matches is Sunday 10th January.
Wimbledon Ballot 2016
All members – please make sure you are registered as a British Tennis Member (BTM) via the LTA website.
Also, don’t forget to spare a moment to “opt in” for the 2016 Wimbledon Ballot.
Clubhouse Winter Measures
Last to leave the Clubhouse – please remember to turn off the water supply.
Peg Board
At some Open Adult Club sessions, the number attending is currently quite high.
If you are first to arrive, please place the pegboard on the outside hook. Please add your named peg in order as you arrive. Hopefully, this will save any confusion about the order of play.
Please remember the rule, that should you take your peg off for any reason, you must replace it at the very end once you come back!
Annual General Meeting 2016
Please make a note in your diary that the date for next year’s AGM will be 12 noon on Sunday 21st February.
The meeting will take place towards the end if the Sunday morning club session.
In recent years, the number attending has been very low, so the committee has decided to try a different date and time in an effort to boost numbers.
Essex Small Clubs Results
Mixed Premier
Stebbing 8 Stansted 8
Ladies’ Premier
Stansted 12 Standon & P. 4
Stansted 11 Dunmow (2) 5
Mixed 2
Castle Hill 8 Stansted 8
Harlow 14 Stansted 2
Pleshey 14 Stansted 2
Wishing all STC members a very Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful 2016.