February 2018 enewsletter
Welcome to the February e-newsletter, which will hopefully let you know all that is going on at the Club at the moment!
Don’t forget to have a go at solving the tennis anagram at the end of this newsletter. There will be a prize for the winning entry!
A reminder that all members are welcome, and indeed encouraged, to attend the STC Annual General Meeting. It is taking place THIS Thursday, 22nd February, starting at 8pm at Jan’s house, 105 Cambridge Road, Stansted. Thank you to those of you who have let me know that you intend to attend and also for those of you who have sent your apologies to myself or Jon Budd. If you are intending to be there on Thursday and have not yet let me know, please could you do so for catering purposes – thank you!
I have had several enquiries about membership renewal. The new subscription rates will be proposed at the AGM on Thursday. Once these are accepted, reminders will be sent out to all members. Don’t forget that you pay at the discounted rate if you pay by the end of March.
Many thanks to the five members who have volunteered to help Fiona with the final testing of ClubSpark – the online court booking system. It is due to go live on 1st March and from that date the paper diary in the outside clubhouse noticeboard will be removed. Fiona and I will be sending out full instructions on how to use the system and Fiona will be talking about it at the AGM, so if you have any questions, please do attend, as we really welcome your views on this.
We are still very behind with Mix “n” Match matches after yet another month of frustrating weather conditions. For those involved, please try to play your current matches as soon as possible and do let me know should you run into any difficulties with arranging.
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 12th March starting at 7pm. All ladies are welcome to attend!
The closing date for “opting in” to the 2018 Wimbledon Ballot is THIS Friday, 23rd February. We have 110 members who have opted in so far, just a few more to go to beat last year’s figure of 119. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Remember, if you have not “opted in” then you will not be eligible to enter the STC Wimbledon ballot.
I know that the winter season, so far, has been extremely frustrating for team captains and players alike, as so many matches have been cancelled due to the bad weather. In the past, STC has registered our preference for one season running from March to November and to have a break/catch up between November and February. We are really keen to hear the views of any STC member who is involved in any way with organising or playing. If we have a strong enough response we may be able to propose changes to the timetable structure of the league. Please do contact me with your views.
Ladies’ Premier:
Stansted 8 Henham 8
Stansted 12 Dunmow 4
Stansted 15 Standon & Puckeridge 1
Mixed Premier:
Stansted 7 Elsenham 9
Stansted 8 Dunmow 8
Mixed 2:
Castle Hill 12 Stansted 4
Stansted 13 Castle Hill 3
Men’s 3:
Pleshey 4 Stansted 12
Thanks to all of you who responded to last month’s e-newsletter quiz. Congratulations to Fran Cayless who was Januaryr’s winner and chose very kindly to donate her prize money to charity – thank you Fran!
Please have a go at solving the anagram below and e-mailing your answer to me within the next 48 hours. There will be a prize for the winner. If there are a lot of correct entries, the winner will be drawn from a hat.
Decode the following anagram to discover the name of a famous tennis player:
Best wishes,