Stansted Tennis Club

January 2014 enewsletter

Dear members,

Firstly, a very Happy, slightly belated, New Year to you all!

The main bit of news is the 2014 Annual General Meeting, which will be held at 105 Cambridge Road, Stansted on Tuesday 11th February at 8pm. Please do come along and support this event. Hopefully, you will all have received your AGM e-mail and will see that there is a vacancy for Membership Secretary as well as a couple of spaces for General Members. Please consider whether you would like to join in with helping to run the Club.

The next Committee Meeting will be this Tuesday (21st January) at 8pm at Daphne’s house. Please let a Committee member know if you have any issue you would like raised.

Only one match reported over the last month!
Well done to the Mens’ 2 team who had a narrow 9-7 victory over Castle Hill.
Let’s hope the weather improves so that a few more matches can be played!

Next Ladies’ Night
This will take place from 7pm on Monday 10th February. All ladies welcome to come along!

Please could you let a Committee Member know if you change your e-mail address. Thanks!

Cleaning Rota 2014
Thanks to all those who have responded so far. There are still 3 months to fill, so if you can spare a bit of time to keep the Clubhouse clean and tidy, please do get in touch with me.

See you at the AGM!
Best wishes,