September 2015 enewsletter
Working party
Thanks to all those who volunteered on Saturday 5th September. Without members’ help, the Club would not have that cared for look.
Lost Property
A final reminder that all unclaimed lost property will either be disposed of or taken to a charity shop on 30th September. Please check if there is anything of yours in the clubhouse changing room!
Ladies’ Night
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 12th October starting at 7pm. All ladies welcome!
Next STC meeting
This will take place at Fiona’s house on Friday 9th October starting at 7pm. Please contact a committee member if you have an issue you would like to raise.
Pearce Adult Doubles Tournament
12 players took part in this tournament on Friday 4th September. In a very close final Jon Budd & Clive Carroll beat Lisa King & Debbie Lane 6-5. The players enjoyed a sumptuous bring and share lunch.
Club Tournament Results
Ladies’ Singles – Ruby Hollis beat Lisa King 7-5 7-6 (7-3). This was the longest final of the day, lasting two hours and fifteen minutes.
Men’s Singles – Matt Hollis beat Chris Hollis 6-0 6-0 (a much speedier match)!
Ladies’ Doubles – Ruby Hollis & Daphne Lunnon beat Lisa King and Fiona Pye 6-0 7-6 (7-4).
Men’s Doubles – Ross Armorgie & Matt Hollis beat Howard Buckley & Matthieu Glasson 6-1 6-1.
Mixed Doubles – Ross Armorgie & Ruby Hollis beat Simon Fox & Lisa King 4-6 6-3 6-2.
Roger Loveday Trophy for Most Improved Player (voted for by the Committee) – Jon Budd.
Thanks to all those who helped and supported on the day.
Hospital Cup
The big day is almost upon us. Stansted will be hosting the finals this Saturday, 26th September. We have finalists in 3 events. All members, families and friends are invited to support what should be a great day of tennis. Thanks to Debbie and Daphne for all their hard work in organising the tournament and catering arrangements. Thanks also to all those members who have offered their time and generosity.
The day kicks off at 10.30am.
King’s Arms Quiz
The date for the next quiz will be Tuesday 29th September at 8pm. It’s always a good evening, so if you would like to be in the team, please email me.
Rusty Rackets
The list is now up on the clubhouse noticeboard. There are only 5 names so far, so please add your details if you are looking for someone to knock up with in a non-competitive environment.
Clubhouse bin
Please, please could anybody who notices that the indoor bin is full and overflowing, empty it into the dustbin on the patio. Replacement bags can be found under the kitchen sink.
Men Team Players for Essex Small Clubs League
The fixtures meeting is coming up soon and we need to enter Stansted’s teams. The committee had thought that there may be enough keen men players to field two teams. The response to my previous e-mails has been disappointing. We only have 9 men, which is barely enough to field one team.
If you have not done so already, please e-mail me and I shall add you to the list.
Cayless Chilli Adult Doubles Tournament
This will take place on Sunday 11th October starting at 9.30am.
Clower Junior Doubles
This is scheduled for Sunday 18th October at 1pm. £5 per player entry fee, plus a tea contribution. So far I have 7 on the list, but I need more, so e-mail me if you would like to play.
Essex Small Clubs Results
Ladies’ 2
Stansted 3 Elsenham 13
Mixed Premier
Stansted 12 Henham 4
Many thanks!